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And now for something completely different…

(more coming soon)


Hello there! Now that we've finally fixed the ongoing issues by just deleting the old website, we've had some time to reflect on our original mission for inBisbee plus how it evolved over time. Then we were all excited to move onto the next phase when you-know-what came around, so things stalled for a while.

Not wanting to let everything die, we will be testing out a Wiki-style page instead. As of January 19, 2023, there is currently only one registered user/editor (the administrator, the person writing, me) on the site. However, that doesn't mean we won't go crazy and let at least a few of y'all help out. (That was our original goal all along, anyway, just maybe not in this exact way…)

Anyway, at the risk of this welcome page continuing to ramble on, welcome to the new inBisbee.Com WikiBisbee page (name pending incase we think of something snappier, or at least with a pun or two involved).

-A.B. of inBisbee

start.1674165417.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/19 15:56 by adminwiki

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