inBisbee.Com is a website created by the Als of TheBazaarTraveler.Com. Initially created as part of a project to provide affordable (and when possible, free) website design/hosting as well as POS (point-of-sale) services, tech support, and more. It eventually transitioned to getting the word out about Bisbee while highlighting some of the events, businesses, real estate, job opportunities, and possible investments in the area. With some hiccups due to the health of the main site administrator and one of the co-owners, as well as issues with backups, server migrations, and updates, the site transitioned from a Word-Press driven page with the original goals still in mind to this very Wiki you see here. The date of this transition was 1/19/2023, exactly a year since TheBazaarTraveler mascot Zoe Gremlinn lost her battle to cancer and was buried at her home in Bisbee, Arizona.